There it was. Confirmation I am going to be a grandmother. What the hell? I have this parenting thing barely down and now there's another generation on the way. In no way is this fair to me. I was just cottoning to the idea of being a MILF, and now I have to contemplate purchasing a rocking chair and learning to knit. Ya. No.
Don't get me wrong. I love babies. I had three of them (not all at once mind you and thank the Good Lord for that blessing) and I wouldn't trade them for all the stars in the sky. But when I take a look at my beautiful 18 year old daughter, with her gorgeous baby belly looming around the corner, I am freaked out and worried. I remember all too well at the tender age of 19, how scared, broke, and pregnant I was. Sure I had my Grade 12 Diploma behind me, but had absolutely no clue what was in front of me. And so began the 2o year climb up a mountain called parenting.
I still remember my boyfriend's face (currently my husband of 20 years - no way was he going to get off that easy) when I told him "we" were expecting. First words out of his mouth were, "Do you want to get married?" It took me all of 30 seconds to think on it and I answered with, "No. I am going to be a Mom, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a wife." I mean, we had just moved in together a few months prior (our meeting is a story for another time), and I was still in the honeymoon phase of folding his laundry. (I know, sick right?) So we put off matriomonial bliss for a couple of years. Hey, I had to know if he could hand teething and tantrums first. His learning curve was going to be just as big as mine.
So I have three months left to figure this "Granny" thing out. I mean, I still want to ground the little bugger for forcing this title on me way before my time. But, then, I think that this whole MILF to GILF situation is kind of bringing my daughter and I together in a way I never thought possible. Our path has not been an easy one. It's been quite messy with loads of mistakes on both parts. I still want to ream her out for leaving food laying around, or the lights on, and am constantly wanting to grill her on her PACE progress...and then I sit back, breathe, and I remember, payback is three months. I am in love with this baby, and he/she isn't even here yet.
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